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For Tunes

Only music is spoken worldwide, crosses ideologies,

and can move the soul.

Hello and welcome,

I believe hope is the only thing we can hang on to when everything feels crushing.

I hope… this gives some to others.

We don’t get to choose family. The mental illness of the family doesn’t always lend itself to a joyful childhood. Mine was less than stellar. Leaving me with my own issues.

In my parent’s day, they would have said. “There is nothing wrong. I am fine."  These days sharing doesn’t hold the stigma it once did.

I have my own demons to contend with.

My own mental and physical health.

Frankly, I didn’t think I would make it to twenty-three, let alone my current age. Getting back to music after all of these years is a gift.

Having written my first piece of music at the age of five. Well,  we plan, and god laughs. Life pushed music to the side.

Hang on to your dreams.

Hang on to your hope.

Never take it to heart when someone else says,

“You can’t.”

“You can’t," for them, does not have to apply to you.

It has taken me way too many years.

The changes in technology and the kindness of others to get me to this point.

Their kindness is a part of hope. Some may work at bringing you down. And that can be far too often, reflecting more about who they are than who you are.

With any luck, these will be the first of many pieces I will be sharing. With each, they confirm hope can sustain and carry you forward.

It certainly has for me.

Drop me a line.  

Sign up for my newsletter

Feedback is appreciated.

Keep hoping.

Please join me

on my journey.

Available at Apple Music, Amazon, and many of your  favorite music sites.

A Modern take on a quartet upon a podium with Artwork and title and name of Artist in background.
A Modern take on a quartet upon a podium with Artwork and title and name of Artist in background.
A Dove sitting on a modern art take of a Globe And Song title Name Glimmers of Hope.
A Modern take on a quartet upon a podium with Artwork and title and name of Artist in background.

Cover artwork, and design have been created by

JFM Consulting,

happy to assist you in your design needs.

Books produced with Scrivener Application,

Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, Affinity Publisher.

Website created by JFM with Sparkle Application,  

website design services are also available.


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COPYRIGHT © 2023 Jay Farber - All rights reserved.

Los Angeles, California

Website By JFM Consulting, they can build one for you!

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